A face lift is today a great way for men and women of different ages to look younger in one surgical procedure with long lasting results. No matter how well you take care of your skin, wrinkling is a natural part of aging. However, just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean you can’t make a proactive change. This is not only a procedure to correct or perfect a physical condition, they are also meant to boost the patient’s confidence and help them achieve a better quality of life. After a face lift, a patient can return soon to their normal activities without interference with his/her quality of life and should show results in a very short time.
What Is A Face Lift ?
A face lift is complex surgery that goes beyond just tightening skin in order to rejuvenate the patient’s appearance.
Face Lift is a procedure where a person’s face skin is tightened to give a younger looking appearance. Because of aging and gravity the skin on a person’s face can tend to sag and feel droopy. It is in this moment when a face lift surgery becomes a great option to look younger. In the face lift surgery the surgeon makes an incision on a person’s forehead and/or neck mainly. These incisions are regularly placed in areas where they will not be visible so that the patient has a natural appearance.
Because a face lift is a surgery where the patient needs to be put under anaesthesia, it is necessary that after a surgery the patient maintains at least 2-3 days of bed rest. It is also recommended that the patient stays out of the sun for the amount of time suggested by their surgeon. Also it will only be after about 10 days that the patient’s stitches will be removed from the patient’s forehead, neck or behind the ears.