Breast lift (Mastopexy)

Breast lift (Mastopexy)

Commonly referred to as a breast lift , mastopexy surgery raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
A woman’s breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These changes and loss of skin elasticity can result from Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Weight fluctuations, Aging, Gravity, Heredity and so on.

Your Breast Lift / Mastopexy surgery can be achieved through a variety of incision patterns and techniques. The appropriate technique for you will be determined based on:
• Breast size and shape
• The size and position of your areolas
• The degree of breast sagging
• Skin quality and elasticity as well as the amount of extra skin

The results of your breast lift surgery are immediately visible. Over time, post-surgical swelling will resolve and incision lines will fade. Satisfaction with your new image should continue to grow as you recover and realize the fulfillment of your goal for breasts which have been restored to a more youthful and uplifted position.

Request For Consultation and Lets Do It!